Escudo de la República de Colombia
Panel de Accesibilidad

Electronic Degree Verification

Electronic Degree Verification

Universidad Nacional de Colombia, since the first graduation ceremony 2019, brings to their graduates Electronic Degree(eDegree) of the Diploma and Degree Act which belongs to an authentic digital copy of them, digitally sigend by the University, with Blockchain technology applied.

eDegree Benefits for the Institution:

  • Offer to Graduates an efficent, fast, secure and affordable service which connect them directly with the professional world.
  • Full control of the eDegree issuing, which the University is the one and only issuing authority and verifier of it.
  • System availability for generation, custody and management of authentic digital copies of given university's degrees.

eDegree Benefits for the Graduate:

  • Availability in any moment from any device  of the Diploma and Degree Act, since is just required an Internet connection to download and send it.
  • Has the same legal validity as paper documents.
  • Has a portal which can store, organize and share elcetronic documents.

eDegree Validation. To validate the authentic digital copy it can be done through the following options:

  • Standard PDF document readers validates automatically electronic signatures and stamps at opening the file. At the same time indicates if the document has been modifiedand if the signatures or stamps are valid.
  • With the Secure Verification Code (CSV) that appear on the eDegree on the website
  • From a mobile device through the QR code embedded in the eDegree with any BIDI code reader

Blockhain, according with Thomas Signe S.A.S., is a technology that, through a distributed node network and connected between each other, keeps the trace of all information protected  ins a cryptographic safe way and allows to construct an interconnected ecosystem, highly resistant to potential cyberattacks. This technology provides major reliability and serves to show the signer's identity, the integrity and no rejection of the digitally signed file, giving the security needed for the graduate.